B, Bai, or Bailey. She'll answer to all. Is (at least we think) our shopping twin! She loves to shop at Target, Nordstrom Rack, TJ Maxx, and Forever 21! - We basically live there! What we love most about Bailey is her persistence and creativity. When we first opened a position in the Des Moines area for a wedding assistant this 2018 season, we knew we needed a go-getter! With all the travel and busy events we take on having a face in Des Moines that represents our brand, our clients, and most of all the love and attention our Iowa clients need from us. I was looking for a special person. I spoke to Bailey over the phone and heard all about her current event experiences. She worked at a venue that encompassed so many aspects of the industry, I knew her base knowledge would benefit us greatly. And she is nothing short of this!
Bailey loves Mexican food. Um, yes! Bring on the queso! Isn't that the entire reason to go out for Mexican food? She loves to travel, so of course we loved her! Her favorite places to travel are Charleston, SC and Northern California. She draws inspiration from autumn. So, her dream wedding is an outdoor fall wedding (October is the best). She would use organic colors of the season incorporating leaves, pumpkins, apples and dark green grass. Even though it may never be her pet, her favorite animal is a baby kangaroo. She loves rose pink and pale yellow. And drinks Venti Mango Black Tea Lemonade with light ice at Starbucks. (Now that's a true Starbucks order)! She loves the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S and has watched it through 5 times!
Did you know, I own all seasons (this was before Netflix) and have watched it through multiple times too! See, we told you she was a perfect fit for us!