I'll go anywhere

Mostly Becky Weddings & Events is my heart and soul. I started this company after a long argument with the Lord. After planning almost 200 weddings I found myself back in Iowa, sitting on my parents couch. Done. 

Not only was my job emotionally draining, but I found myself having to be rescued. Sitting down with my Dad one morning, he said. It's over. I'm here now and everything is going to be okay. 

Being 25, living with your parents and knowing the ONLY way you are going to survive is when your daddy comes to rescue you. It's pretty humbling. I was a hard-core wedding planner. Living the life. And life through a HUGE curve ball. 

A HUGE curve ball that would not only flip my world upside down, but change my life forever. 

The Bible teaches that God works out EVERYTHING for good, for those who love him. It was that everything part in there that concerned me. I had seen some stuff, done everything, and was at the bottom of the barrel. How could he take my everything list and make it good?

So, as I sat there I heard a whisper. Start your company, the one you have always dreamed of. Do it. I'll do everything. Just hang on tight sweetheart, because this is going to be the ride of your life. In my spirit I knew I didn't have a choice. Even though my body was trembling. I was afraid. 

Of what you say?


What if I am just fooling myself? What if this God of mine doesn't show up? Can I really plan weddings? Where do I even start?

With hesitation, I whispered back, I'll go anywhere with you."

So, I jumped. I jumped into my Savior's arms once again. Screaming the entire way! So what happened you ask?

Well, I wish I could tell you everything HE has done. He saved me. All of me. Reached into my mucky bucket and pulled my lifeless body out. He restored my soul. He made my lie down in green pastures (or my parents living room) and then took me on the ride of my life. 

As I look at my life, traveling the world. I barely recognize the girl back in Iowa on her parents couch only 8 short months ago. - But remember HE said,  "I'll work out E V E R Y T H I N G for your good, just love me" 

Boy, did he ever. 

I couldn't be more grateful. 



He took me somewhere. And that is just the beginning!